R Basics & Beyond:

Introduction to Data Analysis with R

Start your journey with data. Master the fundamentals of analytics with R, a leading programming language for data science, with live interactive sessions every week.

What you will get

Over 12 weeks, you’ll learn to harness the potential of R to analyze data and derive insights through:

Who the course is for

Open to all students or professionals looking to build expertise in data analysis. There are no prerequisites. All skill levels are welcome.

We will primarily use health datasets in our practicals, but the skills learned are broadly applicable.

Bootcamp details


3 months

Next cohort (now closed)

Apr 9 - Jun 25


Online classroom

Workshops, Tuesdays

3-5pm GMT (11am-1pm ET)
9-11pm GMT (5-7pm ET)

Choose a session that works for you

Help sessions (optional), Mon & Thurs

3-5pm GMT (11am-1pm ET)
Drop in for help during any session

Tuition: $145/mo

We offer a generous 14-day full refund policy so you can try the course for two weeks risk-free, to see if it's right for you
Financial aid is available for students in need. If you require aid, please fill in the regular application form, then you will be sent a financial aid application form.

To organize a private cohort for an organization, email [email protected]


Course Modules

Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to build your expertise in data analysis using R.

R foundations

Build a strong core. Learn the basics of R programming, RStudio, and data exploration, while collaborating with your peers on hands-on data projects.

DURATION: 3 weeks

Coding basics, error management, RStudio projects, R Markdown, using ChatGPT, esquisse 

Data Wrangling

Learn to handle messy data with ease. Master dplyr functions for manipulating datasets, and build the skills to clean, filter, and transform data for analysis and visualization.

DURATION: 4 weeks

Subsetting data, mutating, conditional operations, grouped data, pivoting

Data Visualization

Learn to communicate complex findings with clarity and impact. Develop the skills to create stunning data visualizations with the most popular data visualization package in R, ggplot2.

DURATION: 3 weeks

Grammar of graphics, geometric shapes, aesthetics, themes, scales, labels

Capstone Project

Showcase your data analysis expertise. Employ data wrangling, visualization, and analysis techniques to a chosen case study and deduce actionable insights from your analysis.

DURATION: 2 weeks

Data cleaning, survey data exploration, dictionaries, results communication

Why Enroll?

Benefit from expert guidance, a supportive community and tailored learning experience. Graduate with a certificate and a capstone project to add to your data science portfolio.

Expert Guidance

Receive help right when you need it: our team of teachers will be there to support you with timely assistance as you tackle challenging assignments and projects.

A Supportive Community

Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to keep going when you’re studying online. That’s why we launched this guided course: with live classes and study halls, you will be surrounded by a supportive group of like-minded people and become part of a future data analyst network. 

A Tailored Learning Experience

With the careful guidance of our experts, our 3-month curriculum covers all the key topics needed to become proficient in data analysis with R and start driving data-informed decisions in your field.

Bootcamp Objectives

 Acquire programming expertise, form valuable connections, and use data to drive informed decisions.

Programming Proficiency

Hone your programming skills, becoming proficient in R Markdown, data visualization with ggplot2, and data wrangling techniques. 

Peer Connection

Connect with peers in careers in data analysis. Foster lasting relationships and collaboration.

Data Insights

Master data analysis principles and their application in business and academic environments. 

Portfolio Building

Showcase your skills by creating a project portfolio using real datasets. Present your findings in rich analysis reports.

Career Development

Leverage career support services to guide your professional development and explore new opportunities in data analysis.

Applied Impact

Use your newfound expertise in programming and data analysis to make a tangible impact on your field.


Course Creators & Tutors

Meet our passionate team of data analysis professionals. 

Prof. Olivia Keiser

Course Advisor

Head of the Mathematical Modelling & Infectious Diseases Division, University of Geneva; GRAPH Network Director

Prof. Flavio Coelho

Course Advisor

Associate professor of Mathematical Epidemiology Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro; EpiGraphHub Director

Kenechukwu Nwosu

Course creator & Tutor

Research Assistant at the University of Geneva; GRAPH Courses Director

Joy Vaz

Instructional lead

GRAPH Network Training Coordinator and Instructor

Camille Valera

Course Creator & Tutor

Project Manager and Scientific Collaborator, the GRAPH Network

Laure Vancauwenberghe

Course Creator & Tutor

Global Health Specialist & GRAPH Instructor

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