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    Analyse de données intermédiaire avec R

    Ce cours intermédiaire vise à approfondir vos compétences analytiques en R, en utilisant des données réelles sur des maladies comme le VIH, la tuberculose et le paludisme. Vous apprendrez des méthodes sophistiquées de traitement et d'analyse des données. Le programme comprend :
    • Utilisation des dates, des facteurs et des chaînes de caractères.
    • Techniques de nettoyage des données.
    • Mise en œuvre de fonctions et conditionnelles.
    • Jointure de sources de données.
    • Utilisation de boucles pour un traitement systématique des données.
  • 5 Topics

    Data on Display: Data Visualization with ggplot2 (beta)

    This course will teach you how to harness the power of visualization in R to explore data and to present your findings to others. In addition to learning the mechanics of learning to write code for visualizations, you will also learn how to use the art of visualization to tell a story with your data. We will be focusing on learning how to use ggplot2, one of the the most popular R packages, to produce a variety of high quality visualizations.

    Topics include:

    • Building a plot in layers with ggplot2
    • Implementing the Grammar of Graphics in R
    • Visualization strategies for univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data
    • Histograms, boxplots, and kernel density plots for visualizing the distribution of continuous variables
    • Simple, stacked, and grouped barplots for visualizing the distribution of discrete variables
    • Scatterplots and linegraphs for visualizing the relationship between two continuous variables
    • Time series plots to visualize epidemic trends
    • Grouping and faceting plots to visualize relationships among three or more variables
    • Customizing plots with labels, color palettes, and themes

    During the beta release, new lessons will be made public periodically.

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    Data Reporting with R: Best Practices from Tables to Time Series

    Dive into the world of data reporting with this comprehensive course, designed to harness the power of R for complex reporting needs. You'll explore a range of techniques and tools essential for depicting and interpreting data effectively. The curriculum includes:
    • Building demographic pyramids to represent population structures
    • Creating data tables for comprehensive data overview
    • Developing choropleth maps to visualize patterns across regions
    • Automating the generation of visualizations
    • Analyzing time series trends
    • Parametrizing reports for tailored data presentation
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    Data Untangled: Transforming and Cleaning Data with dplyr

    This course builds on the foundation established in the R foundations course by diving deeper into working with data frames. You will gain hands-on practice selecting, filtering, arranging, renaming, and mutating columns to prepare raw data for statistical analysis and visualization.
    Topics covered include:
    • Selecting specific columns or rows of a data frame based on names, positions, or logical conditions
    • Filtering out unwanted observations or variables
    • Creating new variables through mathematical operations or recombination of existing variables
    • Handling missing data by dropping, replacing, or imputing values
    • Grouping rows by a variable and calculating summary statistics for each group
    • Reshaping data between wide and long formats
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    Données démêlées : Transformer et nettoyer les données avec dplyr

    Ce cours s'appuie sur les bases établies dans le cours R foundations en approfondissant le travail avec les data frames. Vous acquerrez une pratique pratique de la sélection, du filtrage, de l'arrangement, du renommage et de la modification des colonnes afin de préparer les données brutes pour l'analyse statistique et la visualisation. Les sujets abordés sont les suivants:
    • Sélection de colonnes ou de lignes spécifiques d'un data frame sur la base de noms, de positions ou de conditions logiques
    • Filtrage des observations ou des variables indésirables
    • Création de nouvelles variables par le biais d'opérations mathématiques ou par la recombinaison de variables existantes
    • Traitement des données manquantes par l'élimination, le remplacement ou l'imputation de valeurs
    • Regroupement des lignes en fonction d'une variable et calcul de statistiques sommaires pour chaque groupe
    • Remodelage des données entre les formats large et long
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    Données en exposition : Visualisation de données avec ggplot2

    Ce cours vous apprendra à exploiter la puissance de la visualisation en R pour explorer des données et présenter vos résultats à d'autres personnes. En plus d'apprendre les mécanismes de l'écriture de code pour les visualisations, vous apprendrez également à utiliser l'art de la visualisation pour raconter une histoire avec vos données. Nous nous concentrerons sur l'apprentissage de l'utilisation de ggplot2, l'un des packages R les plus populaires, pour produire une variété de visualisations de haute qualité.

    Les thèmes abordés sont les suivants:

      • Construction d'un graphique en couches avec ggplot2
      • Stratégies de visualisation pour les données univariées, bivariées et multivariées
      • Tracés de séries chronologiques pour visualiser les tendances épidémiques
      • Personnaliser les graphiques à l'aide d'étiquettes, de palettes de couleurs et de thèmes
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    Fondamentaux de l’analyse de données avec R

    Ce cours d'introduction offre un aperçu complet du langage de programmation R. À travers une pratique pratique, vous apprendrez comment configurer votre environnement de programmation R, importer et explorer des données, effectuer des analyses de données de base et de la visualisation de données, et créer des rapports pour communiquer vos résultats. Les sujets incluent :
    • Installer R et l'IDE RStudio
    • Importer des données de divers formats dans R
    • Les fondamentaux de la programmation en R
    • Organiser votre projet et espace de travail R
    • Explorer des données à travers des statistiques résumées et de la visualisation de données
    • Créer des rapports reproductibles en R Markdown pour communiquer votre analyse
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    FoSSA: Fundamentals of Statistical Software & Analysis

    Logo   Welcome to Fundamentals of Statistical Software and Analysis, or FoSSA for short! The course comprises of 7 modules:
    • A1: Introduction to Statistics using R, Stata & SPSS
    • A2: Power and Sample Size Calculations
    • B1: Linear Regression
    • B2: Multiple Comparisons and Repeated Measures
    • B3: Non-Parametric Measures
    • C1: Binary Data and Logistic Regression
    • C2: Survival Data
    Each module contains short videos to introduce and explain the statistical concepts and tests, along with practical exercises to work through. The practicals are provided in three different statistical software packages, Stata, R, and SPSS. You can follow through the course using any one of these three packages. If you are unsure which package you would like to use, you may want to work through the introductions to each of them in Module A1 before making your decision. End of Module Quiz At the end of each module there is a short multiple choice quiz. If you wish to receive a certificate for the course you must visit every page and complete all of the quizzes with an average (mean) mark of 50% or greater. The FoSSA admin team will check quiz completions on a monthly basis and send certificates to any new completers. Proceeding through the Course You should study all of Module A1 before moving on to the other modules to make sure you have a firm grasp of the key concepts. Before you start on the first module, take a look at the Course Information section. Here you will find the data sets you will need for your practicals and other useful information to support you in your studies.
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    Foundations of data analysis with R

    This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of the R programming language. Through hands-on practice, you will learn how to set up your R programming environment, import and explore data, perform basic data analysis and data visualization, and create reports to communicate your results.
    Topics include:
    • Installing R and the RStudio IDE
    • Importing data from various formats into R
    • Fundamentals of R programming
    • Organizing your R project and workspace
    • Exploring data through summary statistics and data visualization
    • Creating reproducible reports in R Markdown to communicate your analysis
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    Further Data Analysis with R, Using Real-World Data from HIV, TB and Malaria

    This intermediate course aims to further your analytical skills in R. You will cover:
    • Working with dates, factors and strings
    • Techniques for thorough data cleaning
    • Implementing conditional functions for advanced data examination
    • Joining data sources for enriched analysis
    • Employing loops for systematic data processing
    • Advanced string manipulation
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    Intro to EpiGraphHub (beta)

    This course aims to enable public health students and professionals to engage as advanced users with the EpiGraphHub platform, our data management, exploration and dashboarding platform. It requires minimal technical knowledge of coding or informatics.

    During this course, you will learn:

    • What the EpiGraphHub platform is, and what functionalities it offers to non-programmer users
    • What databases are available and how datasets are organised
    • How to browse available datasets
    • How to use the interactive drag & drop user interface to develop Exploratory analyses
    • How to create powerful data visualizations and interactive dashboards without writing code
    • How to import new data into the Hub from CSV files as well as Excel and Google spreadsheets
  • 39 Topics


    Bienvenue au Bootcamp "R : Formation de Base | Introduction à l'analyse des données de santé" ! Dans ce programme intensif de 3 mois, vous maîtriserez les fondamentaux de R, travaillerez sur des projets pratiques en utilisant de véritables ensembles de données de santé, et collaborerez avec des professionnels de la santé du monde entier. Ce cours est conçu pour vous doter des compétences suivantes :

    • Installer et utiliser R & RStudio
    • Naviguer dans les scripts R & Rmarkdown et les projets RStudio
    • Importer et inspecter des jeux de données dans R
    • Manipuler des données en filtrant, résumant, transformant et joignant
    • Visualiser des données avec le package ggplot2
    • Publier divers formats de sortie, y compris des rapports
    • Utiliser ChatGPT comme assistant de codage

    À la fin du cours, vous serez prêt à gérer un large éventail de tâches d'analyse de données de base et intermédiaires en utilisant R, applicables à vos recherches académiques, rôles professionnels ou intérêts personnels. Ce bootcamp est votre tremplin vers la maîtrise des données.

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    Welcome to the July-September 2023 R Bootcamp cohort! In this intensive 3-month program, you will master the fundamentals of R, work on practical projects using real health datasets, and collaborate with health professionals from around the globe. The course is designed to equip you with the following competencies:

    • Setting up and utilizing R & RStudio
    • Navigating R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Importing and inspecting datasets in R
    • Manipulating data through filtering, summarizing, transforming, and joining
    • Visualizing data using the renowned ggplot2 package
    • Publishing various output formats including reports
    • Leveraging ChatGPT as a coding assistant

    By the end of the course, you'll be primed to handle a wide spectrum of basic and intermediate data analysis tasks using R, applicable to your academic pursuits, professional roles, or personal interests. This bootcamp is your stepping stone towards data proficiency.

  • 38 Topics


    Welcome to the R Basics and Beyond Bootcamp! In this intensive 3-month program, you will master the fundamentals of R, work on practical projects using real health datasets, and collaborate with health professionals from around the globe. The course is designed to equip you with the following competencies:

    • Setting up and utilizing R & RStudio
    • Navigating R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Importing and inspecting datasets in R
    • Manipulating data through filtering, summarizing, transforming, and joining
    • Visualizing data using the renowned ggplot2 package
    • Publishing various output formats including reports
    • Leveraging ChatGPT as a coding assistant

    By the end of the course, you'll be primed to handle a wide spectrum of basic and intermediate data analysis tasks using R, applicable to your academic pursuits, professional roles, or personal interests. This bootcamp is your stepping stone towards data proficiency.

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    R Basics & Beyond | Private Cohort

    Welcome to the May-July 2023 R Bootcamp cohort! In this intensive 3-month program, you will master the fundamentals of R, work on practical projects using real health datasets, and collaborate with health professionals from around the globe. The course is designed to equip you with the following competencies:

    • Setting up and utilizing R & RStudio
    • Navigating R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Importing and inspecting datasets in R
    • Manipulating data through filtering, summarizing, transforming, and joining
    • Visualizing data using the renowned ggplot2 package
    • Publishing various output formats including reports
    • Leveraging ChatGPT as a coding assistant

    By the end of the course, you'll be primed to handle a wide spectrum of basic and intermediate data analysis tasks using R, applicable to your academic pursuits, professional roles, or personal interests. This bootcamp is your stepping stone towards data proficiency.

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    R BASICS & BEYOND | Q1 2024 (Jan-Mar)

    Welcome to the R Basics and Beyond Bootcamp! In this intensive 3-month program, you will master the fundamentals of R, work on practical projects using real health datasets, and collaborate with health professionals from around the globe. The course is designed to equip you with the following competencies:

    • Setting up and utilizing R & RStudio
    • Navigating R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Importing and inspecting datasets in R
    • Manipulating data through filtering, summarizing, transforming, and joining
    • Visualizing data using the renowned ggplot2 package
    • Publishing various output formats including reports
    • Leveraging ChatGPT as a coding assistant

    By the end of the course, you'll be primed to handle a wide spectrum of basic and intermediate data analysis tasks using R, applicable to your academic pursuits, professional roles, or personal interests. This bootcamp is your stepping stone towards data proficiency.

  • 15 Topics

    R BASICS & BEYOND | Q2 2024 (Apr-Jun)

    Welcome to the R Basics and Beyond Bootcamp! In this intensive 3-month program, you will master the fundamentals of R, work on practical projects using real health datasets, and collaborate with health professionals from around the globe. The course is designed to equip you with the following competencies:

    • Setting up and utilizing R & RStudio
    • Navigating R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Importing and inspecting datasets in R
    • Manipulating data through filtering, summarizing, transforming, and joining
    • Visualizing data using the renowned ggplot2 package
    • Publishing various output formats including reports
    • Leveraging ChatGPT as a coding assistant

    By the end of the course, you'll be primed to handle a wide spectrum of basic and intermediate data analysis tasks using R, applicable to your academic pursuits, professional roles, or personal interests. This bootcamp is your stepping stone towards data proficiency.

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    R for Busy People (Cohort-0)

    In preparation for the public launch of our flagship courses, we are excited to offer 12-weeks of free live training to a beta cohort of students. Over 3 months of instruction, you will learn how to:
    • Download, install and use R & RStudio
    • Work with R & Rmarkdown scripts and RStudio projects
    • Import and examine datasets in R
    • Wrangle data (by filtering, summarizing, transforming and joining)
    • Visualize data with the popular ggplot2 package
    • Publish reports and other outputs in a range of formats
    At the end, you will feel ready to tackle most basic and intermediate data analysis tasks with R, whether for your academic research, professional practice, or personal interest.
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    R MASTERCLASS | Q2 2024 (Apr-Jun)

    Welcome to the R Masterclass: Data Cleaning, GIS, Dashboarding, and More! In this advanced 12-week program, you will elevate your R skills and work on projects using real-world datasets. This course will equip you with advanced competencies in:

    • Version control and collaboration using Git and GitHub
    • Advanced data manipulation and integration techniques
    • Automated reporting and interactive dashboarding
    • Geospatial mapping and advanced geospatial data handling

    By the end of the program, you'll be well-prepared to tackle advanced data analysis tasks, automate reporting processes, create interactive dashboards, and derive geospatial insights. This masterclass is your pathway to becoming a proficient data analyst, ready to make a tangible impact in your field.

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    Test description
  • 10 Topics

    Reporting de Données avec R

    Dans ce cours, vous explorerez un éventail de techniques et d'outils essentiels pour représenter et interpréter efficacement les données. Le programme comprend :
    • La construction de pyramides pour représenter les structures de données hiérarchiques
    • La création de tableaux récapitulatifs pour une vue d'ensemble complète des données
    • Le développement de cartes thématiques pour visualiser la répartition géographique des phénomènes
    • L'automatisation de la génération de visualisations pour une analyse efficiente
    • L'analyse des tendances temporelles pour comprendre l'évolution des indicateurs clés
    • La personnalisation des rapports pour une présentation des données adaptée au public cible
    Ce cours vous permettra d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour transformer des données brutes en rapports pertinents, précis et visuellement percutants, essentiels pour des analyses approfondies et des prises de décision éclairées dans de nombreux domaines.